Day Trip Travel Program

Waiver Form


I, _____________________________________________, hereby agree that I am participating in the Advantage Club Travel Program. In doing so, I agree to comply with all of the rules and regulations which are outlined in both printed materials distributed and with verbal instructions given by the Advantage Club Travel Program. 
While a participant in the Advantage Club Travel Program, I assume all responsibility for my own safety, health, and physical ability to participate on each tour. On behalf of myself, my heirs, personal representatives, and executers, I hereby indemnify, release and hold harmless the Advantage Club Travel Program, GalaxSea Cruises & Tours, including their tour hosts, directors, employees and agents from any and all claims, damages and liability, including, but not limited to, any claims of personal injury and property damage and any accidental or consequential damages arising from my participation in the program.
I have read and agree to the conditions stated above.
Name (Please Print)_______________________________________________________________________________
Signature_____________________________________________________ Date______________________________
Signature of Parent or Guardian if participant is under the age of 18:
_____________________________________________________________ Date______________________________
Date of Birth if participant is a minor (month, date, year) _________________________________________________

Please return to Shana Griffin at 
GalaxSea Cruises & Tours, 210 N Business 49, Neosho, MO 64850
FAX 417-451-9120

© 2020 Travel Leaders Group